Enter the Backrooms

Level - « Aleochara »



A picture of the interior.
The room is a hidden place in a house located in the area of Level 9, where the night seems to last forever.
Sleepless town, the area is devoid of humans where the law of nature has regained its rights.
The houses around the neighborhood are abandoned, all the belongings were left there. Occasionally, it is possible to observe
Neighborhood Watch known as Entity 96 quietly seeking for something to catch.
Memories of living beings still wait for their owners.


The density of items is on a very high scale.
Most of them are antiques, collections, books, frames, porcelains, dolls, assortments of metallic tools, keys...
Numerous wooden furnishings adorn the space, their surfaces coated in a layer of settled dust.
A lot of small lifeless entities similar to Deathmoths are scattered throughout the room, dotting the corners.
Some dried flowers and conserved specimens are stored in jars, exposed in a cabinet of curiosities.
In a wooden library, many books are displayed : poetry, novels, dictionaries, opuscules, handwritten journals,...
The memories of these items perhaps belong to the many Facelings who aimlessly wander in the rooms.

  There is a note : « Exutoire de l'individu perdu dans l'Histoire. »

"L'Univers possède son centre de gravité, nous ne sommes qu'infimes particules errant autour de ce centre par notre propre masse et attraction. La loi de l'attraction universelle est une interaction élémentaire décrivent la gravitation comme force responsable de la chute des corps et du mouvement des corps célestes. Le concept d'héliocentrisme place le soleil pour centre de notre Univers, en opposition au géocentrisme qui place la Terre au centre. Nous nous devons grâce à la lumière, celle-ci nous permet de voir dans l'obscurité. Dans la faille béante du chaos, de ce milieu dans orientation possible, ce gouffre aux profondeurs infinies, jaillit de la lumière indispensable à l'éclosion de la vie. La constellation qui nous éclaire porte le nom de Soleil, du latin classique sol, solis désignant l’astre et la divinité. L'harmonie macrocosmique est une réalité, qui se construit de la même façon à une échelle microcosmique, formant des formes auto-similairescommunément appelés : fractals. L'humain, se place comme matière vivante sur la terre, tout comme la nature des mousses et des lichens, il nécessite d'eau et nutriments minéraux pour assurer son expansion. Avec la conception du temps, l'être humain semble préoccupé par ses activités, et accélère la consommation d'énergie par sa surpopulation et suractivité. Nous empruntons les chemins de nos ancêtres, nos origines ont toujours été en quelque sorte en nous."

The Universe possesses its center of gravity, while we are mere particles drifting around this center through our own mass and attraction. The law of universal gravitation represents a fundamental interaction that describes gravity as the force responsible for the falling of objects and the motion of celestial bodies. The concept of heliocentrism places the Sun at the center of our Universe, in contrast to geocentrism, which situates the Earth at the center. Thanks to light, we are able to perceive in darkness. From the gaping chasm of chaos, within this unoriented milieu, this abyss of infinite depths, springs forth the indispensable light necessary for the emergence of life. The constellation that illuminates us bears the name "Sun," derived from the classical Latin word sol,solis signifying both the celestial body and divinity. Macrocosmic harmony is a tangible reality, constructed in a similar manner on a microcosmic scale, giving rise to self-similar patterns commonly known as : fractals. Human beings, as living matter on Earth, share similarities with the nature of mosses and lichens, requiring water and mineral nutrients to ensure their expansion. With the conception of time, human beings appear preoccupied with their activities, accelerating energy consumption due to overpopulation and hyperactivity. We follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, for our origins have always resided within us in some manner.

A painting hanging on the wall

Supplementary Documentation :

The person who lived here seemed to collect many frames and paintings.
A gathering of artworks covers every walls of the pieces.
Several analyses of these artworks have substantiated that they are compositions of Still lifes, abstractions
derived from reality. However, it is impossible to determine whether these paintings care based on real, digital,
or imaginary foundations.

A painting hanging on the wall

A painting hanging on the wall

A painting hanging on the wall

A painting hanging on the wall

A painting hanging on the wall

  Many notes have been found on the desk, between book's pages, on the ground, pinned on walls.

Note :
« L'humain est lui-même un Univers. Son unicité lui est propre, il est animé par son centre, par le coeur qui lui permet de se déplacer, de se heurter aux autres, d'agir selon ses choix. Chaque univers peut entrer en collision avec un autre, à tout moment. On ne le voit pas forcément arriver, tout comme nous ne pouvons calculer son amplitude. Lorsqu'un être humain entre en collision avec un autre être humain, ils échangent une part de leur être intérieur avec le monde extérieur. L'Univers interne existe tout autant que l'Univers externe, ils sont une part du monde. L'être vivant est limité par son vaisseau, sa forme et son fonctionnement vital, ses dimensions et son temps d'existence, eux-mêmes définis par leur déclin. Certaines choses persistent dans le temps, même après que l'âme se soit séparée du corps. Les souvenirs matériels n'endurent que l'obsolescence de son environnement, et peuvent demeurer durant des siècles. Alors que les mémoires se font balayer avec le vent, la cendre et les poussières. »
Translated :
« The human being itself represents a universe.
Its inherent uniqueness is characterized by its individuality, driven by a central force,
the heart, enabling locomotion, encounters with others, and autonomous decision-making.
Each universe has the potential for collision with another, occurring unpredictably, with magnitudes that elude precise calculation.
When two human beings collide, they engage in an exchange, imparting a portion of their internal essence to the external world.
The internal universe holds equal significance as the external universe, both constituting integral components of the world.
Living entities are constrained by their corporeal vessel, its form, vital operations, dimensions, and finite existence, all subject to the inexorable passage of time and eventual decay.
Certain elements endure the test of time, even after the separation of soul and body.
Material recollections persist, albeit subject to the obsolescence of their surroundings, maintaining longevity over centuries, while memories dissipate amidst the winds, ashes, and dust. »

Footnote : don't try to burn the documentations