oooi oi oi
We visited a little house.
The term of finding a home and feeling like home are completely different ;
Humans find security under a roof, it protects the head and preserve their body.
But the mind needs a place where it feels safe.
The environment influences a lot the way of thinking, habits, and health of a human being.

LOOK at them !!! cute food make my heart feels lighter... ♥
wow i discovered this and this is the only thing i want to eat.
Little artwork i've made !

So we started to work in the new little house next to my mom's house.
This was the house of an old lonely grandma, she lived alone with birds. She has a collection of clowns, and in my memory, her house were filled with pretty things.
When i was child, my mom left me there when i was sick because she has to go to work. When i had fever, i just had intense hallucinations there, and the memory of this makes me strangely nostalgic.
Later then, my mom bought the house. She worked so much to afford it, she is the most courageous woman i ever knew, she truly is a hardworker.
Coming back there feels like an unrealistic dream.

My livingroom, a quiet place.

And so I continued my studies, thinking about wood working and restoration of wooden and textiles furnitures. Mainly, that is because our teacher of history of old art & furnitures is really interesting. In this
page I did a little repertory of websites we saw in class. I should update more informations, but the techniques and knowledge are very material sometimes.
Working on microblogging
and on 7AMGF & 7PMBF

Set up a little Still life corner !
My life is starting to change. My love and interests lead me to a future I start to believe more and more.
I got a
bed. It sounds very simple, but owning a bed is like... building your own little nest.
My situation was really stuck since then, and i finally can say i feel myself more alive and full of hopes !

I painted a bird : a Rouge-Gorge / Robin.
To celebrate my return to freedom, maybe ?
Inspired by the Goldfinch, I started to write
a short novel
based on four characters inspired by - birds.
Each character has a personnality, and develop the sense of life, questions about life and mainly illustrates the wholesomeness of existence and its opposite by showing weaknesses and fears.
It's still a big work in progress, since I slowly develop them in a little notebook, and draw them occasionally.
For some reasons, i've been really attached to them ; my feelings for these four imaginary birdlikefriends never cease to grow. I always had a little fascination for birds, and humans. So mixing them up together, with a part of my perception of life, had done it. I wanted to write a light-hearted story, and also showing a optimistic/positive way of life (not for Rouge-Gorge, because this character is a complex one, with a heavy and nsfw backstory - inspired of experiences, role plays - who tells the radical opposite lol)
I kind of believe in my writings, maybe one day i'll be courageous enough to illustrate them or making a film, who knows.
My first story (was basically written for a web visual novel format) was about a dark subject (wrote
it in a pretty gloomy period of my life - november 22) and own 9 chapters and two ends ; it was a
very long adventure and challenge.
I'm struggling a lot to translate it, even if i secretely hope it could be shared in other languages ; i am aware that it is not a masterpiece, but my very "first shot". And honestly, i learned a lot by writing it. Anyways ! I don't know why i am
rambling, but i had a nice day and hope, you had a nice one too.
There are days which are brighter than other days.
Mornings and evenings are now calm, and you finally see the beginning of a better life.
For a long time, i thought that i would fall into the abyss and never see the light again, but
Every year, the spring comes back. Everything is changing, every seconds.
Here, the trees are becoming green again. I'm focused on sewing, learning, writing.
I believe in hope again, I am more passionate than before.
I'm learning to love again.
We drew all together on !!
Apparently, their name changed and it's now called magma.
With online friends, we met up on
the-draw-box, a funny little project i've created some time ago.
I was really surprised to see so many people on there !!!
Watching a film i love : Valerie and her weeks of wonders !

Film : Hana & Alice, 2004

A grandma's house.

From Kamikaze Girls, 2004. My love for this film is infinite.
MAY 2002
What is better than sleeping in soft and clean cloth ?

omg it's my birthday tomorrow !
It feels so weird. I'm born in 2000. Time is running so fast !
Tonight i'm staying alone. I'm a lonely child, enjoy so much doing little stuffs in my little birdnest ! I'm not asking much from others, because i'm scared to be annoying or that they don't enjoy time with me. I can be very kind and tender, but situations can make me overreacting to things.
I bought myself a little digital camera, a very low quality one ! It makes happy little sounds when you turn it on and off, it makes me so happy !
My friend just drew us !! 20.20.23
aaahh i love her !! soo much

I must and will never forget my 2023 birthday, lonely, in front of my computer ; receiving gifts from people who were total strangers to me and became my friends, my very beloved friends. I am so grateful to be surrounded of them.
I had the idea of organising a Tea Art Party at my place to meet some cool artists from my town.
Last Sunday, I participated to a flea market to sell some things !!
I think a stand reflects a part of the personality of the person, I wonder what images people have of me ; I think i grow up very fast, but somehow something in my head is still stuck in my childhood. I cherish memories with all my heart, they are a part of your soul, what made you.

Kitani, from Sweet Pool.
SUCH A MOOD. (i'm laughing so hard)
I feel very happy, because i met people online who likes same interests as me
One of the best game ever : Sky, Children of Light !
Because me and my beloved friend are in different timezone, we always struggle to be online in the same time.
But we finally met online !!!!
Ailes Grises.
I discovered a website in french
of a person who write so well and it gives me so much hope.

31°c end of spring
Spend the entire day with my mom and some friends of her, we chatchat in vn all day and i think it gave much hope to my mom to connect with her roots again.
~~~ * ~~~
Bird nest story : Mésange bleue, Magpie, Rouge-Gorge, Crow
Just finished writing four little stories for a small novel. Redacted in French.
Lately i read some very disturbing things, and i assume that i really enjoy to discover malfunctioning, insanity and weirdness in people's mind.
A bus driver seemed to have a bad day so i offered him a fortune cookie.
Isopropylic alcohol dissolve glue stains and doesn't melt the wall paint.
Antihoney and
Chouchou really make me happy.
I've installed a ceiling lamp all alone for the first time. I feel like an responsible person now
Discovered i am a hopeless romantic (insert meme)

A common thing in Slow Damage and Animal Crossing : both of them have "the Roost" as a coffee / bar.
Rei says that " Roost celebrates the beauty of decay".
I noticed people care about my OC or not at all. (I do care about people and their OC)
Original characters are like imaginary friends.

Lately I've been drawing a little bit more than usual. It's maybe because
Artfight is about to start soon.
Ah, I've been drawing like crazy this summer. I felt worried because the art i throw on the web is kind of lost between all the different things I do. Actually, i kind of feel lost too.
Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habit.
Watch your habit, they become your character.
Watch your character, they become your destiny.
My sleep schedule is fucked up this summer, I haven't travelled or done many things. I've been spiralling in my room, trying to find solutions. I barely eat, and i feel like asking too much to my friends to support me, like eating together, or help me to go out. I clearly need help, i know that, but i struggle to explain it, and i don't want to be a burden to others. I just have to be courageous and live the life alone. I need to be strong.
Future is so incertain.
I must try to be more happy. To get out this spiral and enjoy simole things. I'll get better.
I must.
I went out for a walk. It starts pouring, i feel like the rain calm everything. I went to buy dimsum and some food, it's been a while i haven't done the groceries. Heading home, about to make myself some proper food ! *insert cute food pixel art*

Created a page for my
honey project.
082023 AAAAh..... Sunny day was sunny today.
Some friends came visiting me, they bring sun with them and their presence warms my heart.
They draw in my little notebook and i just love the fact i have a little part of them with me forever.
All my life i always had older friends, and it was always benefits to me. But sometimes, i feel very small, with less knowledge, struggling to express my opinions.
I truly need to develop more, talking more and better. I'm trying my best.
Children and stars kiss and lose each other
Gently grab my hand and guide me
The dream gods took me to a landscape
Butterflies fluttered through my soul
if you want to try the test !